Eli's friend

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Eli's friend
A character from Stargate Universe
Eli Wallace's friend visible on Eli's computer.
Biographical information
Planet of origin Earth
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Status Alive (in 2009)
Socio-political information
Occupation Geek
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Michael Lenic
First appearance "Air", Part 1

Eli Wallace's friend is an online gamer.


Nothing is know of Eli's friend but his passion for online gaming and especially Prometheus. He is also an Amnesty International supporter [1] (SGU: "Air", Part 1).

Character's evolution

"Air", Part 1 (2009)

Eli Wallace is network-connected in his bedroom, playing an online game called Prometheus. On a second screen, his friend speaking with him about a solution for the level. Eli tells him that the planet's core is the power source, he has to channel it into the weapon to destroy the enemy ship. Eli's friend says it's impossible as it's a programmer's joke they cannot solve. Eli says he found the solution and shows it. Unfortunately, the screen fades and Eli is back to the beginning of the level. Eli's friend says Eli is so full of himself, disconnects from the network and leaves his room.


  • There is no mention of this character's name. In the ending credits, we only see "Eli's Friend".
  • Eli's friend is named "Josh" in the novelization of the Stargate Universe pilot. As this novel is not part of the canon in Semantic Stargate Wiki, this first name is not retained for the character.

Behind the scenes


  1. We can see posters of Amnesty International behind him.