
From Semantic Stargate Wiki
Bio-graphical information
Species Human
Distinction Specificity to have blond hair, blue eyes and almost the same size
Spoken language English
Political information
Alliance Tau'ri (previously)
Status Presumably extinct
Out of Stargate universe information
First appearance "The Other Side"

The Eurondans were a human race technologically advanced, in a generational war against another population called by them the Breeders. In 2000, they encountered the Tau'ri and were eager to share Eurondan technology in exchange for deuterium so they can sustain against their enemies. They presumably collapsed after Colonel Jack O'Neill hit their facility with a Eurondan remote-controlled aircraft.


"They're the same… every damn one of them is the same!"
—Col. Jack O'Neill (SG1: "The Other Side")

Long ago (at least two generations), Eurondans began to make a genetic selection of their kind with similar characteristics like blond hair, blue eyes and a big size (SG1: "The Other Side").

Notable people


Detailed evolution


Behind the scenes

See also

External links
