P3W-451's black hole

From Semantic Stargate Wiki
P3W-451's black hole
Type Astronomy
Current status Active
Out of Universe information
First appearance "A Matter of Time"
Wikipedia article
"A newly formed one by the looks of it. P3W-451 was orbiting its companion star. The orbit's probably pulling them closer and closer."
—Captain Samantha Carter (SG1: "A Matter of Time")

P3W-451's black hole is former companion star, part of a binary system. In 1998 it collapsed into black hole and started pull apart the the planet.

Detailled evolution

"A Matter of Time" (1998)

A planet is part of a binary system. The planet's yellow star is orbiting its companion star. A several seconds later, the companion star collapses and becomes a black hole. It pulls asteroids and nearby objects into it, before it pulls a planet close.

Following the discovery of the recent extinction of the people of P3W-451, and the unexpected disengagement of the Stargate wormhole from the planet, General George Hammond eventually orders to send MALP to P3W-451 and SG-1 and SG-3 to gear up and go to the planet to determine the reason and help the SG-10 team already here.

When Stargate Command dials back the planet, the personnel who is inside the control room eventually witness all the team members trying to flee the newly formed black hole, but time seems to freeze from their outlook.


Behind the scenes

  • This black hole has different design than will have other ones in franchise.