From Semantic Stargate Wiki

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Hi everybody, I founded this wiki which which is dedicated to all official Stargate universe stuff. As you can see, there's a lot to do.

Wikis I founded

I'm the founder of the following wikis :

  • Semantic Stargate Wiki, a French wiki about the Stargate franchise (You are on the English version);
  • 24 Wiki FR, a French semantic wiki about the 24 universe;
  • EUReKA Wiki English and French versions, two semantic wikis about the Eureka franchise.
  • Battlestar Wiki English and French versions, two semantic wikis about the Battlestar Galactica franchise (based on the original Battlestar Wiki founded by Joe Beaudoin Jr;
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki English and French versions, two semantic wikis about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Wikis I was granted admin

Work to do

Semantic Infobox templates
