
From Semantic Stargate Wiki

Sorting property. It has a string type

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Heru'ur  +
Hive queen (The Lost Boys)  +
Hornachek  +
Horus  +
Horus guard (Stargate I)  +
Horus guard (Stargate II)  +
Hutchison  +
Jackson, Daniel  +
Jaffa (Out of Mind)  +
Jaffa (The Nox I)  +
Jaffa (The Nox II)  +
Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair I)  +
Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair II)  +
Jaffa (Within the Serpent's Grasp I)  +
Jaffa rebel (The Serpent's Lair I)  +
Jaffa rebel (The Serpent's Lair II)  +
Jamala  +
James, Vanessa  +