Wraith (The Siege II)

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Revision as of 02:13, 1 November 2018 by LIMAFOX76 (talk | contribs)
A character from Stargate Atlantis
Biographical information
Death 2005 (killed by Aiden Ford)
Race Wraith
Status Deceased
Socio-political information
Allegiance Wraith
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by James Lafazanos
First appearance "The Siege", Part 2

The Wraith was part of the First Wraith Atlantis assault team during the Siege of Atlantis in 2005. He has been killed by Lt Aiden Ford during a close combat.


In 2004, the Wraith was among the ones who have been awaken after Major John Sheppard killed a Wraith caretaker (SGA: "Rising", Part 2).

Character's evolution

"The Siege", Part 2 (2005)

An assault team with two Wraith and several Wraith warriors is beamed on a balcony, surrounding Lt Aiden Ford and a group of Marines.

"The Siege", Part 3

The Wraith assault team attacks Lt Aiden Ford's group, and the Wraith eventually collapses under heavy fire shot by Lt Aiden Ford.

The balcony explodes a couple of minutes later when a Marine pulls out a grenade.

Behind the scenes
