McQuarrie (In the Line of Duty)

From Semantic Stargate Wiki
A character from Stargate SG-1
Biographical information
Planet of origin Earth
Nationality American
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Status Alive (in 1998)
Socio-political information
Occupation Military
Rank Staff Sergeant
Affiliation US Air Force
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Benz Antoine
First appearance "In the Line of Duty"

McQuarrie is a US Air Force Staff Sergeant. In 1998, he was assigned to drive the Nasyan refugees from the USAF Academy Hospital back to Stargate Command.

Character's evolution

"In the Line of Duty"

McQuarrie is waiting in a military transportation truck. Then a Sergeant climbs into the truck, pretending to be John Adams. McQuarrie disagrees but the man (who is an Ashrak) uses his Hara'kash to subdue McQuarrie. The latter starts the engine.

Later, General George Hammond reports to Colonel Jack O'Neill that the driver of the transport didn't remember to drive from the hospital to the SGC.

Behind the scenes