Rand Protectorate guard (Icon II)

From Semantic Stargate Wiki
For other uses, see Rand Protectorate guard.
Rand Protectorate guard
Biographical information
Planet of origin Tegalus
Nationality Rand Protectorate
Species Human
Socio-political information
Occupation Military
Allegiance Rand Protectorate
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by an unknown actor
First appearance "Icon"

The Rand Protectorate guard has witnessed the arrival of SG-1 from the Stargate in 2004.

Character's evolution

"Icon" (2004)

The guard is on duty with a teammate at the front door of the Rand Protectorate museum, guarding the Great Ring of Avidan. He witnesses the sudden activation of the Stargate and the apparition of a Tau'ri MALP. The guards take aim at the device.

Later, with representatives of the Rand Protectorate they welcome SG-1.


Behind the scenes