Rand Protectorate guard (Icon V)

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Rand Protectorate guard
A character from Stargate SG-1
Biographical information
Planet of origin Tegalus
Nationality Rand Protectorate
Species Human
Socio-political information
Occupation Military
Allegiance Rand Protectorate
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Justin Doran
First appearance "Icon"

The Rand Protectorate guard is one of the keepers of the rotating door inside the Rand Protectorate bunker giving access to the control center.

Character's evolution

"Icon" (2004)

The guard is guarding the entrance of the heavy rotating door inside the Rand Protectorate bunker while Dr. Daniel Jackson and Jared Kane come inside the control center.


Behind the scenes

  • Justin Doran, the guard's portrayer, is not credited in the episode.