Henry Boyd

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For other uses, see Hank.
Henry Boyd
Biographical information
A.K.A. Hank Boyd
Planet of origin Earth
Nationality American
Death 1998
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Socio-political information
Occupation Military
Rank Major
Allegiance Stargate Command
Affiliation SG-10
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Kurt Max Runte
First appearance "A Matter of Time"

Henry "Hank" Boyd was a Major part of the Stargate Command and commanding officer of SG-10. He died on P3W-451 along with his teammates, torn apart with the planet, when one of the suns went nova and became a black hole.


According to his close friend Colonel Jack O'Neill, Boyd was a smart officer, a little bit like Captain Samantha Carter. Under O'Neill's personal recommendation, he has been put in charge of the SG-10 team in 1998 when it was created. P3W-451 was one of his first assignments and he discovered that the locals were somehow extinct not long ago. They came back to investigate the reason (SG1: "A Matter of Time").

Character's evolution

"A Matter of Time" (1998)

On P3W-451, the SG-10 team is running as fast as possible to the planet's Stargate. When Captain Watts locates the DHD, Major Boyd orders Watts to dial Earth. All their movements seem like slow motion.

When Stargate Command manage to send a MALP on the planet, they eventually discover that Boyd and his team are scared, but they have to enlarge the camera focus and find a newly formed black hole. The camera image seems still.

Boyd's frozen face is seen on the computer screens until the SGC manage to deactivate the wormhole with a bomb used to cause an energy surge.


  • One doesn't know if Boyd is part of the US Air Force. He is a close friend of Jack O'Neill but the script doesn't precise his army corp. Teal'c tells O'Neill that the latter trained him (Boyd) well. This statement would tell that Boyd was "indeed" part of the USAF but not 100% certain.
  • Like all the SG-10 members, Boyd is declared dead as, according to Samantha Carter, "Their bodies will be pulled apart by increasing tidal forces". Yet, as the time dilation is more important as one is close to the black hole, "but from their perspective, it couldn't have been open for more than a second." According to these statements, Boyd is considered as deceased. More, the black hole has been used later to make Vorash's sun a supernova by putting a Stargate inside the sun and dialing P3W-451. Once opened, the black hole absorbed the sun's matter through the wormhole (SG1: "Exodus").
  • Boyd has been called "Hank" by Jack O'Neill.
  • According the the Fandemonium novel The Cost of Honor, SG-1, using an Ancient anti-gravity shield, managed to rescue the SG-10 team five years later. However, as the novels, comics, RPG's, etc. are not considered as part of the Stargate canon on this wiki, this assertion does not take place here.
  • In the episode "In the Line of Duty" (S02E02), General George Hammond assigns SG-10, 11 and 12 to find location in coordination with Dr. Daniel Jackson in the hope to relocate and secure the Nasyan refugees. Yet one cannot say for sure if Boyd was already part of this mission.

Behind the scenes
