Professor (Stargate II)

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Biographical information
Full name Unknown
Planet of origin Earth
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Socio-political information
Salutation Professor
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Roger Til
First appearance Stargate

A Professor attended the Symposium on Ancient Egypt led by Dr. Daniel Jackson.

Character's evolution

Stargate (1995)

The professor is present in the Alameda Room when Dr. Daniel Jackson is stating that the phraraohs of the Fourth Dynasty did not build the Great Pyramids. When Jackson says the inscriptions with Khufu's name discovered by Colonel Vyse were actualy a fraud, the Professor has already left the audience.


  • This character as no name, just a salutation in the ending credits.
  • This character is actually an extra. He doesn't have any line on the script. More, we just see him for ten second on screen.

Behind the scenes