Rivers (Destiny)

From Semantic Stargate Wiki
Revision as of 10:55, 20 December 2016 by LIMAFOX76 (talk | contribs)
Biographical information
Planet of origin Earth
Nationality American
Death 2009 (killed by Kiva)
Destiny Stargate room
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Information about family
Affair Lisa Park
Socio-political information
Occupation Military
Rank Corporal
Allegiance US Marine Corps
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Zak Santiago
First appearance "Life"

Rivers was a US Marine Corps Corporal. In 2009, he was part of the 80+ people who had to evacuate the Icarus base when it was attacked by Lucian Alliance forces. Stranded aboard Ancient spaceship Destiny, he has been killed by Commander Kiva soon after the Alliance invaded the ship by the Stargate.


Rivers was part of the 80+ people who had to evacuate Icarus base when it was attacked by Lucian Alliance (SGU: "Air", Part 1).[1]

Character's evolution


Behind the scenes
