Walter Harriman

From Semantic Stargate Wiki
(Redirected from Norman Davis)
Walter Harriman
Biographical information
A.K.A. Norman Davis
Planet of origin Earth
Nationality American
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Socio-political information
Occupations Military
Rank Chief Master Sergeant
Allegiances US Air Force
Stargate Command
Homeworld Command
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Gary Jones
First appearance "Children of the Gods"

Walter Harriman (also named Norman Davis) is a US Air Force Chief Master Sergeant. He is a technician specialized on Earth technology developed for the Stargate inside Stargate Command and later Homeworld Command. He is assigned to all gate activation sequences as well as everything around it like the management of the iris.


Character's evolution


Behind the scenes

See also

Others "Walter Harrimans"

External links
