From Semantic Stargate Wiki
Daniel must once again decide whether to risk death or ascend when Oma Desala gives him a second chance. O'Neill and Carter struggle with their respective personal relationships. |
- "Threads" is the 18th episode of Stargate SG-1 Season 8.
Story development
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Answered questions
Non-answered questions
Template:Appearances Threads
- This episode is a 63 minutes-long. However, they're was a special 42 minutes cut for airing and syndication. Here are the missing parts of the short version:
- The "Previously on Stargate SG-1...".
- The opening scene between Ba'al and Anubis where he says Ba'al has betrayed him.
- The scene when Daniel first enters the diner, along with Oma Desala explaining where exactly Daniel was and how he got there.
- The entire scene of knighting Bra'tac and Teal'c on Dakara - nothing is mentioned of Jaffa freedom save they have control of the weapon.
- Some bantering between Pete Shanahan and Carter when they walk down the corridors of Stargate Command and the bantering between Sam, Pete and Jacob Carter.
- All scenes of Bra'tac and Teal'c on a ship.
- O'Neill waking up with Kerry Johnson in his bed.
- Daniel trying to talk to the other Ancients in the diner.
- The phone call from Pete, the florist scene and driving to the new house.
- Sam waiting in the car outside Jack's house.
- When Daniel says "No syrup?"
See also