Uploads by LIMAFOX76

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
16:02, 6 February 2025 Children of the Gods - Title card.png (file) 6.4 MB   2
16:10, 9 June 2024 Amanda O'Leary.png (file) 178 KB {{Information | description = Amanda O'Leary | source = [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/stargate/images/6/6e/Amanda_O%27Leary.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160405031613&format=original Fandom] | date = | author = | permission = | other_versions = }} == License == {{non-free biog-pic|Amanda O'Leary}} 1
07:00, 8 June 2024 Dave Hurtubise.png (file) 150 KB {{Information | description = Dave Hurtubise | source = [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=7848285338539650&set=pb.100000747859597.-2207520000&type=3 Hurtubise's Facebook page] | date = | author = | permission = | other_versions = }} == License == {{non-free biog-pic|Dave Hurtubise]] 1
16:51, 26 February 2024 Caves of Kaleemah in Stargate.png (file) 700 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = | episode = | repisode = ''Stargate - Director's Cut'' | epnumber = | time = 1:36:57 | description = The Caves of Kaleemah | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = February 26, 2024 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|location|film}} 1
03:11, 18 November 2023 Harrison Coe.png (file) 484 KB {{Information | description = Harrison Coe | source = | date = | author = | permission = | other_versions = }} == License == {{non-free biog-pic|Harrison Coe}} 1
17:02, 16 November 2023 Philippos in Brief Candle.jpg (file) 74 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = brief candle | repisode = | epnumber = S01E09 | time = 0:15:09 (24 img/s upscaled) | description = Philippos | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = November 11, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|brief candle|character}} 1
12:05, 16 November 2023 Alekos in Brief Candle.jpg (file) 109 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = brief candle | repisode = | epnumber = S01E09 | time = 0:13:12 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Alekos | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = November 16, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|brief candle|character}} 1
07:04, 28 October 2023 Carmen Moore.png (file) 735 KB {{Information | description = Carmen Moore | source = [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2872540126104784&set=pcb.2872542126104584 Moore's Facebook account] | date = December 14, 2018 | author = [https://www.facebook.com/theportraitsessions The Portrait Sessions Photography ] | permission = | other_versions = }} == License == {{non-free biog-pic|Carmen Moore}} 1
15:40, 26 October 2023 Narim in Enigma.jpg (file) 121 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = enigma | repisode = | epnumber = 1.17 | time = 0:22:03 (upscaled 25 frames/s) | description = Narim | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|enigma|character}} 1
15:22, 26 October 2023 Gairwyn in Thor's Hammer.jpg (file) 157 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = thor's hammer | repisode = | epnumber = 1.10 | time = 0:12:53 (upscaled 25 img/s) | description = Gairwyn | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = October 26, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|thor's hammer|character}} 1
14:40, 26 October 2023 Tamsin Kelsey.png (file) 96 KB {{Information | description = Tamsin Kesley | source = [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/stargate/images/8/83/Tamsin_Kelsey.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181029181526&format=original Stargate Fandon] | date = | author = | permission = | other_versions = }} == License == {{non-free biog-pic|Tamsin Kesley}} 1
06:49, 29 September 2023 Mishasa Armstrong.png (file) 220 KB {{Information | description = Michasa Armstrong | source = [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0035833/mediaviewer/rm2623709441/?ref_=nm_md_3 IMDb] | date = | author = | permission = | other_versions = }} == License == {{non-free biog-pic|Mishasa Armstrong}} 1
06:18, 29 September 2023 Charles Payne.png (file) 318 KB {{Information | description = Charles Payne | source = [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0668281/mediaviewer/rm2691830529/?ref_=nm_ov_ph IMDb] | date = | author = | permission = | other_versions = }} == License == {{non-free biog-pic|Charles Payne}} 1
14:23, 6 September 2023 There But For the Grace of God - Title card.png (file) 1.94 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = There but for the grace of god | repisode = | epnumber = S01E20 | time = 0:06:31 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|there but for the grace of god|title}} 1
13:58, 6 September 2023 Tin Man - Title card.png (file) 1.89 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = tin man | repisode = | epnumber = S01E19 | time = 0:03:23 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|tin man|title}} 1
13:46, 6 September 2023 Solitudes - Title card.png (file) 2.13 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = solitudes | repisode = | epnumber = S01E18 | time = 0:03:25 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|solitudes|title}} 1
13:10, 6 September 2023 Enigma - Title card.png (file) 2.32 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = enigma | repisode = | epnumber = S01E17 | time = 0:03:33 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|enigma|title}} 1
13:01, 6 September 2023 Cor-ai - Title card.png (file) 2.23 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = cor-ai | repisode = | epnumber = S01E16 | time = 0:05:36 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|cor-ai|title}} 1
12:51, 6 September 2023 Singularity - Title card.png (file) 1.99 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = singularituy | repisode = | epnumber = S01E15 | time = 0:04:26 | description = Episode Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|singularity|title}} 1
09:12, 6 September 2023 Hathor - Title card.png (file) 2.22 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = hathor | repisode = | epnumber = S01E14 | time = 0:04:45 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|hathor|title}} 1
09:05, 6 September 2023 Fire and Water - Title card.png (file) 2.14 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = fire and water | repisode = | epnumber = S01E13 | time = 0:02:58 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|fire and water|title}} 1
08:57, 6 September 2023 Bloodlines - Title card.png (file) 2.03 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = bloodlines | repisode = | epnumber = S01E12 | time = 0:02:51 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|}} 1
08:50, 6 September 2023 The Torment of Tantalus - Title card.png (file) 2.47 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the torment of tantalus | repisode = | epnumber = S01E11 | time = 0:03:45 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|the torment of Tantalus|title}} 1
08:43, 6 September 2023 Thor's Hammer - Title card.png (file) 2.14 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = thor's hammer | repisode = | epnumber = S01E10 | time = 0:06:21 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|thor's hammer|title}} 1
08:33, 6 September 2023 Brief Candle - Title card.png (file) 2.21 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = brief candle | repisode = | epnumber = S01E09 | time = 0:03:18 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|brief candle|title}} 1
04:25, 24 August 2023 Connor (technician) in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 91 KB   2
13:27, 23 August 2023 Baker in The First Commandment.jpg (file) 132 KB   3
12:44, 23 August 2023 Medic (Children of the Gods) in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 70 KB   2
12:24, 20 August 2023 Jack O'Neill in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 172 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E02 | time = 0:53:24 | description = Jack O'Neill | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 20, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character|o'neill}} 1
12:01, 20 August 2023 Charles Kawalsky's Goa'uld in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 133 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E02 | time = 1:31:48 | description = Charles Kawalsky's Goa'uld | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 20, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character}} 1
06:42, 20 August 2023 Daniel Jackson in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 168 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E01 | time = 0:47:48 | description = Daniel Jackson | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 20, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character|daniel}} 1
05:00, 20 August 2023 Fryatt in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 122 KB   3
04:54, 20 August 2023 Teal'c in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 129 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E02 | time = 0:52:09 | description = Teal'c | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 20, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character|teal'c}} 1
04:06, 20 August 2023 Apophis in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 164 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E01 | time = 0:04:54 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Apophis | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 20, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character}} 1
03:58, 20 August 2023 George Hammond in Children of the Gods.jpg (file) 130 KB   2
13:54, 19 August 2023 Semantic Stargate Wiki.png (file) 19 KB   1
13:53, 19 August 2023 STARGATE WIKI LOGO.png (file) 3.19 MB   1
12:19, 14 August 2023 Goa'uld scanning grenade.png (file) 2.59 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E01 | time = 0:13:31 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = The Goa'uld scanning grenade | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = Augus 14, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{fair use Screencaps|children of the Gods|technology}} 1
12:54, 1 August 2023 Emancipation - Title card.png (file) 2.58 MB   2
15:45, 11 May 2023 Breeders in The Other Side.png (file) 1.05 MB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the other side | repisode = | epnumber = 4.02 | time = 0:27:27 (Blu-ray) | description = Two "Breeders" | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = May 11, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|the other side|race}} 1
08:06, 8 May 2023 Ollan in The Other Side.jpg (file) 104 KB   2
13:38, 1 May 2023 McQuarrie (In the Line of Duty) in In the Line of Duty.jpg (file) 58 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = in the line of duty | repisode = | epnumber = 2.02 | time = 0:31:57 (Blu-ray) | description = McQuarrie (In the Line of Duty)|]] | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = May 1, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|in the line of duty|character}} 1
06:59, 1 May 2023 Moac in Maternal Instinct.jpg (file) 56 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = maternal instinct | repisode = | epnumber = 3.20 | time = 00:00:46 (Blu-ray) | description = Moac | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = May 1, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|maternal instinct|character}} 1
14:05, 4 April 2023 Soon-Tek Oh.png (file) 270 KB {{Information | description = Soon-Tek Oh | source = | date = | author = | permission = | other_versions = }} 1
15:51, 24 January 2023 Lab assistant (Cold Lazarus) in Cold Lazarus.jpg (file) 36 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = cold lazarus | repisode = | epnumber = 1.07 | time = 0:09:06 (Blu-ray) | description = A lab assistant (Cold Lazarus) | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 24, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|cold lazarus|character}} 1
14:52, 24 January 2023 Samantha Carter in Cold Lazarus.jpg (file) 136 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = cold lazarus | repisode = | epnumber = 1.07 | time = 0:27:38 | description = Captain Samantha Carter | source = | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 24, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|cold lazarus|carter}} 1
14:48, 24 January 2023 George Hammond in Cold Lazarus.jpg (file) 141 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = cold lazarus | repisode = | epnumber = 1.07 | time = 0:27:36 (Blu-ray) | description = General George Hammond | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 24, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|cold lazarus|hammond}} 1
16:59, 21 January 2023 Hathor in Hathor.jpg (file) 99 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = hathor | repisode = | epnumber = 1.14 | time = 0:39:02 | description = Hathor | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 21, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|hathor|character}} 1
16:41, 21 January 2023 Lya in Enigma.jpg (file) 255 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = enigma | repisode = | epnumber = 1.17 | time = 0:40:09 (Blu-ray) | description = Lya | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 21, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|enigma|character}} 1
16:16, 21 January 2023 Lya in The Nox.jpg (file) 89 KB {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the nox | repisode = | epnumber = 1.08 | time = 0:17:30 (Blu-ray) | description = Lya | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 21, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|the nox|character}} 1
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