Johnson (Stargate)

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For other uses, see Johnson.
Biographical information
Planet of origin Earth
Nationality American
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Socio-political information
Occupation Military
Rank Major
Allegiances US Air Force
Project Giza
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by David Pressman
First appearance Stargate

Major Johnson was part of the General West office in the United States Air Force.


Johnson has been part of Project Giza, and probably General W.O. West executive officer before Colonel O'Neill was reactivated (Stargate).

Character's evolution

Stargate (1995)

Major Johnson, with another officer, comes to Colonel Jack O'Neill's house in Winter Park and tells the latter he has been reactivated. Coming back to their car, his colleague is surprised to see O'Neill like this. Johnson then explains that O'Neill's son accidentaly shot himself with a gun.

Fifteen days later, he assists to the revelation of the discovery of Dr. Daniel Jackson. Once the Stargate is activated, General West asks Johnson to send a probe and record everything.

Once the data from the other side retrieved, he states that the planet has an atmosphere similar to Earth. As West says the mission is cancelled because of the difference of the destination gate, Johnson adds that they will have to decifer the symbols in order to bring the team back. He looks surprised when Jackson says he can do it.[1]


  • This is the first of the many Johnsons in the Stargate franchise.
  • In the movie cast, Johnson has no name. He's just credited as "Assistant Lieutenant". However, we can see his last name on his class-A jacket's tag.
  • Johnson's rank is Major on the epaulettes but he is credited as Lieutenant which is two ranks below Major. This is obviously a factual error.
  • Johnson's nationality is determined as he's part of the US Air Force.


  1. This part is in contradiction with the Stargate canon.