
From Semantic Stargate Wiki
Revision as of 04:19, 25 March 2022 by LIMAFOX76 (talk | contribs)
A character from Stargate SG-1
Biographical information
Planet of origin Earth
Nationality American
Death 1997 (killed by Jamala)
Cave-dwellers planet
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Status Deceased
Socio-political information
Allegiance Jonas Hanson
Affiliation SG-9
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Adrian Hughes
First appearance "The First Commandment"

Baker was a member of the first SG-9 team sent to a planet. In 1997, he decided to follow Captain Jonas Hanson in his delusional attitude to pose as a god. He has been shot by Jamala, a native.


Baker has been assigned to SG-9, led by Captain Jonas Hanson. SG-9 were sent to an inhabited planet for more than five weeks (SG1: "The First Commandment").

Character's evolution

"The First Commandment" (1997)

Lieutenant Connor and Frakes are running through the woods to the Stargate, chased by Captain Hanson, Baker and the planet's inhabitants. Frakes is hit by a dart and collapses soon after.


Behind the scenes

See also

External links
