Novus | |
Astrographic information | |
Galaxy | Unnamed galaxy |
Status | Planet devastated |
Societal information | |
Population | None |
Race |
Present : None Previously : People of Novus |
Technological period |
Present : None Previously : Information era |
Earth interest | Settlement for the alternate Destiny expedition |
Domination |
Present : None Previously : People of Novus |
Out of Stargate universe information | |
First appearance | "Common Descent" |
Novus (Ancient term for "New") is a planet located in an unnamed galaxy where an alternate Destiny expedition (minus Dr. Nicholas Rush and Colonel David Telford) from an alternate timeline settled after going 2,000 years in the past when they tried to dial Earth inside a star.
Races living on Novus
People from Novus
Notable visitors of Novus
Locations on Novus
Detailled evolution
"Common Descent" (2010)
The Destiny expedition arrive on Novus with a group of colonials and survey the planet with the Ancient shuttle and discover that the planet has suffered the effects of volano eruptions.